Last Tuesday on 28th March was one of the golden day of my life, when I met one of the great chemist of this century prof. K.C nicolau,those who read chemistry must heard this name somewhere. As expected i listened his lecture and mesmerized seeing those big molecules he synthesised in his laboratory, but the real incident happened when I went to talk with him, initially I hesitated what to say this great scientist but somehow I started the conversion and then I realise why he is great.Its not only his work( obviously it is main thing) but the kind of human being he is showed why he is great, i remember a famous line ‘
the more fruits and flowers grow in a tree, more the tree bend‘ this person exactly proved that. I actually have good fortune to meet some great personalities ,from last few months and I hope it will continue. Few days back I attend a seminar presented by a south African lady Cathy o’dowd’ who is the first lady of south Africa to climb mount everest in 1999 and first lady of world to climb mount everest from both sides. They have something special,maybe their consciousness level is greater than average person because they struggle a lot or they have saw death from very near. probably that’s why they understand life better than an ordinary person. Whatever it be the thing is ,how does they remain so positive,energetic all time don’t they have problems ? I am sure they have, but as prof. Nicolai said to me’ problems will always be there, you need to change your mentality
towards problems‘.May be everybody know this thing, but when a great person says ,that means he experienced it also and that increases it’s value.
I finish by saying, why it is important to appreciate others learn from others, this reminds me one of chanakya’s (Indian philosopher) line ‘ learn from others mistake, others success, because your life will fall short if everything in life you going to experience by yourself and then learn’.